Thursday, November 26, 2009

Strawberry Mango Cake

Yeay…..!! I Finally start blogging myself after reading other bloggers’ blog for more than a year.

My first blog will be Strawberry Mango Cake. I get inspired to do this recipe because it’s summer time in Sydney now and mango is just in season and there is plenty of mango in the market everywhere. I apologised for the quality of the pictures as because I was on rush while taking this picture using my monile phone instead of camera.

This cake was made on last minute decision for my friend birthday after work. Started around 6 o’ clock and finish around 10 o’clock at night time. Felt so tired afterwards but satisfied with the result.

Mango Cake Recipe


250gr Butter
250gr Plain Flour
250gr Caster Sugar
4 Eggs
2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Ripe Mangoes


1. Pre heat oven about 180 Degrees. Greased the round tin using the leftover butter paper thoroughly.
2. Blend 1 mango until pureed and cut the rest of the mango into dice and put it aside.
3. Whish butter and caster sugar together until creamy and pale.
4. Mix plain flour and baking powder then add one spoonful of the flour to the mixer and well mixed before add another spoon. Repeat this step until all flour added into the batter.
5. Add mango pureed then mix it well.
6. Add one egg at a time to the batter until well mix.
7. Fold half of the amount the cubed mangoes into the mixture
8. Pour the batter into the tin and bake it for 45 minutes
9. Using skewers to check the cake whether it has been cooked thoroughly.
10. Let it cool aside.

Butter Cream Recipe

Ingredient :

125gr Butter
125gr Icing Sugar


Whisk butter and icing sugar together until creamy and pale.

Garnish :

Sponge Finger Biscuits
Mini Marshmallows
100 gr Melted Dark Chocolate ( Microwave the chocolate for 1 minute)

Assembly Method

1. Using the fork to make a criss cross shape from the melted chocolate in a baking paper and let it cool aside in the fridge.
2. Once the cake cooled then cut the cake into half and layer the cream on the bottom part then add the rest of the diced mango on top of the cake.
3. Stack the cake on top of the creamed cake.
4. Covered the whole cake with the butter cream then garnish the cake with the strawberries and sponge finger. As because I did not have enough strawberries to cover all my cakes therefore I use marshmallows to cover the rest of spots.
5. Use hand gloves to take out the chocolate and put it on top of the strawberries.
6. Cover the side of the cake with sponge finger. Cut a little bit of the sponge finger if you needed to make sure that sponge finger is not too high. Then add ribbon around the cake to make sure that the sponge finger won’t fell off when the cake was carried to my friend’s house.


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